The major goal of AI Lending apps is to use modern data science to automate the loan process.
02 Months
Business Type
Personalized Dashboard: Stay on top of your patient care journey with a tailored dashboard designed exclusively for you. Access a comprehensive overview of your assigned patients, ensuring you have visibility to your entire patient panel. Gain quick access to connected device alerts, observations, medical history, upcoming appointments, and contact information.
We understand the experience, situation and emotion of the person who we are working for.
We process and synthesize the results to develop a user point of view that needs to be addressed.
We understand the experience, situation and emotion of the person who we are working for.
We understand the experience, situation and emotion of the person who we are working for.
By understanding the core ideas, we went to consult a few shipping managers and delivery partners. We listed the issues faced by them while delivering products and managing transportation. By responding to these pain points, we initiated our next process.
We came across multiple solutions using techniques such as brainstorming and problem solving, which can significantly enhance the value of an ideal solution
We picked a superior strategy and plotted rough diagrams. We consulted Hermes Go for additional input on the product experience. We made wireframes based on the rough sketches. After assessing rigorously, the prototype was created.
Visual design
The visual elements were chosen to help vendors for smooth day-to-day interaction. We specifically focused on the aesthetics of a few screens that involved dashboard data visualization and creation of loads on the map view.
Techfinery is a product agency and innovation firm. We assist our clients in recognizing, strategizing for, and leveraging digital possibilities. We conceptualize, create, and pioneer solutions for individuals and organizations.